Gaming News: Who’s the Most Likeable Villain in Video Games?

Discover why players adore morally grey video game characters in this post about favorite villains.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered why we love to root for villains in video games? One Reddit user posed the question: Who’s the most likeable video game character who is objectively evil? It’s a compelling topic that delves into the complex nature of storytelling and character development in gaming.


  • Delving into the complexities of morally grey characters in gaming.
  • Exploring favorite video game villains who still manage to be beloved by players.
  • Discussing the appeal of characters like Trevor Phillips, Handsome Jack, and GLaDOS.

Fan Favorites

Many Reddit users chimed in with their favorite monstrous yet charming characters. Some praised characters like GLaDOS from Portal, HK-47 from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Handsome Jack from Borderlands for their charismatic evil.

Controversial Characters

However, not all players were on board with adoring these villains. Some users expressed disdain for characters like Trevor from Grand Theft Auto V and Kratos from the God of War series, citing their violent tendencies as off-putting despite their well-crafted narratives.

The Allure of Villainy

What is it about villains like Emet-Selch from Final Fantasy XIV or Vergil from Devil May Cry that make them so captivating to players? Perhaps it’s their nuanced motivations or compelling backstories that draw us in, despite their morally questionable actions.