Gaming News: Wild Watermelon Controller Craze Takes Reddit by Storm!

Check out the latest craze on Reddit - a 3-year-old designs a watermelon-themed controller!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you heard of the latest craze sweeping Reddit? A 3-year-old has designed a wild watermelon-themed controller for Father’s Day, and the internet can’t get enough!


  • Internet goes crazy over a watermelon-themed controller
  • Comments reflect a mix of confusion and admiration
  • Comparisons to popular culture characters like Invader Zim
  • Reddit users in awe of the creativity behind the design

Meet the Waterlemon Troller

The original poster, The-F4LL3N, showcases the unique controller design created by their young child. Dubbed the “waterlemon troller,” the controller features a vibrant color scheme reminiscent of a watermelon.

Confusion Amidst Admiration

Some users express confusion regarding the controller’s design, with comments like “Absolutely amazing, but what is that bottom right picture of? Is this one of the elite controllers?” Others, however, marvel at the creativity, noting similarities to the popular character Gir from Invader Zim.

Internet Sensation

The watermelon-themed controller quickly becomes an internet sensation, with users praising the color choices and unique aesthetic. Comments like “Love the nips” and “all hail the watermelon troller” reflect the varied reactions to the unconventional design.