Gaming News: Would You Develop Games Without Money?

Do indie devs create games just for fun? Explore their true motivations and passions in game development!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered if indie game developers would still make games if money wasn’t a factor? In a recent Reddit post, user journeyman_7 raised this intriguing question within the indie dev community.


  • Some indie devs prioritize creative fulfillment over financial success.
  • Many developers enjoy making games as a hobby, regardless of profit.
  • The desire to earn a living from games is a common goal but not the sole motivator.

Insightful Comments

Barisaxo humorously questions the myth of indie devs becoming overnight millionaires, highlighting the disparity between perception and reality. Weikor emphasizes the joy in creating games and the necessity of earning money as part of pursuing game development full time. Seer-of-Truths shares their passion for creating without the need for revenue, focusing solely on the enjoyment of making things.

Community Insights

Vikentii_krapka expresses surprise at the concept of getting paid for game development, reflecting a diverse range of perspectives within the indie dev scene. FrontBadgerBiz offers a realistic outlook on financial sustainability in indie game development, acknowledging the challenges of monetization. SachaSage stands firm in their commitment to game development regardless of financial incentives, showcasing a pure love for the craft.

Final Thoughts

The discussion on developing games purely for enjoyment versus financial gain reveals the multifaceted motivations of indie devs. While some prioritize profitability, others find fulfillment in the creative process itself. Ultimately, the passion for game development transcends monetary rewards, highlighting the diverse motivations within the indie dev community.