Gaming News: Zenless Zone Zero Review – IGN

Join the discussion on Reddit about the new Zenless Zone Zero game review on IGN. Is this gacha game worth your time?

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Fans react to the latest Zenless Zone Zero game review on IGN, sharing mixed opinions on its gameplay mechanics and monetization model.


  • Players appreciate the stunning visuals and combat style of Zenless Zone Zero but express concerns about its depth.
  • Some users find the gacha elements overwhelming and wish the game focused more on dungeon crawling.
  • Monetization is a hot topic, with opinions ranging from tolerable to criticizing the game’s reliance on microtransactions.
  • The community is divided between those enjoying the game’s simplicity and others feeling the potential is wasted on gacha mechanics.

Zenless Zone Zero: Stylish but Lacking Depth

While many players praised the vibrant aesthetic and stylish combat of Zenless Zone Zero, there is a common sentiment that the gameplay lacks depth. This echoes concerns that the game may prioritize visuals over engaging mechanics, potentially leading to a shallow experience.

Monetization Woes and Microtransaction Critiques

One of the recurring themes in the discussions is the game’s monetization model. Some players applaud the developers for not gatekeeping progression behind paywalls, while others criticize the heavy focus on microtransactions and gacha elements. The debate around the ethics of mxt mechanics in gaming is evident in these comments.

Community Divide: Enjoyment vs. Critique

The community is split between those who appreciate Zenless Zone Zero for its simplistic approach, finding it a great pick-up-and-play title, and those who feel the game’s potential is squandered on gacha mechanics. This divide showcases the diverse preferences within the player base and sparks conversations about game design choices.