Genshin Impact: A Hilarious Look at the Chevreuse Typo Fix and the Rewarding 100 Primos

Typo. Fix. Primos. Join us as we explore a comical moment in the Genshin Impact community centered on a character description.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact’s recent typo fix in the character description for Chevreuse has generated a humorous discourse amongst players. The typo, seemingly trivial, led to a reward of 100 Primos, sparking amusement and debate alike.


  • General sentiment towards the typo fix is entertainment, not annoyance.
  • Players are more than happy to collect the unexpected Primos, regardless of a minor typo fix.
  • Some users had a minor confusion regarding the character’s ability in Co-op.

The Typo and Reward

The amusing component of this situation isn’t so much the typo itself — mentioning “the” instead of “your”, causing slight Co-op misconceptions, but the compensation of 100 Primos for such a tiny misstep. As remarked by user Skull_Angel, “Most unnecessary translation fixes for 100, Alex. No one’s gonna complain about the primos though.”

Co-op Confusion

Despite being a part of a lighter topic, ZeLegends points out “It is misleading slightly in Co-op because you would think it heals others’ characters.” Interestingly, this tiny change could, indeed, make an impact in Co-op playing. Still, it seems like it’s not a big issue for users, considering the rewarding Primos.


Overall, the players’ reaction to this situation is significantly positive. The free primos are never unwelcomed in the Genshin Impact community. As Inumayobaka amusingly notes, “Surprised that she doesn’t have healing animation.” But hey, after all, in the words of xVEEx3, “not complaining, primos are primos 👏”

So, to wrap it up humorously, if more typos mean more Primos, maybe we should hope for a few more of them in Genshin Impact! It’s all in good fun, and after all, who would say no to some bonus Primos?