Genshin Impact: A Hilarious Reddit Thread About Obvious Game Wisdom

Discover the laughs from a Genshin Impact player about some eye-rolling game tips, and the witty comments that ensued.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are sharing a good chuckle over some overly obvious in-game tips. One Redditor pointed out a message in the game that left them shaking their heads, resulting in a chain of hilarious responses.


  • Players laugh at game’s obvious messages
  • Community shares sarcastic retorts
  • Amusement over common sense advice

Reactions in Full Swing

One Redditor, corecenite, highlighted the absurdity with the comment, “If you’re homeless, just buy a house 🙄”. It’s the kind of insight that leaves you questioning the game’s reminders.

Witty Back and Forth

Another user, pc1905, humorously added, “What next? ‘The Archer class is truly made up of Archers?’ ‘People die when they are killed?’ ‘The floor is made of floor?'” showcasing the community’s knack for playful banter.

Community Banter

Some users even went as far as tying in-game advice to real-life wisdom. Marshallman31 playfully quoted an in-game character, saying, “To survive hardship, you must prepare for hardship.”

Final Thoughts

The Genshin Impact community shared a light-hearted moment, poking fun at the game’s sometimes obvious tips. It’s threads like these that remind us how gaming can bring laughter and camaraderie, even over the smallest of things.