Genshin Impact: A Nostalgic Dive into the Notorious 1.1 Food Delivery Event

Exploring the infamous Genshin Impact food delivery event through a subreddit—serious PTSD or hilarious memory?

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Portal Staff

Genshin Impact, the massively popular, globally beloved action RPG has one particular aspect that has emerged as the source of both chuckles and groans—the notorious food delivery event from version 1.1. A trip down the memory lane was triggered by a message from a curious soul, SHH2006, sparking lively discussions among the seasoned players.


  • The event, riddled with quirky rules, was an interesting challenge that exhibited the unique elements of Genshin Impact experience.
  • Despite the frustration it caused, many players retrospectively expressed a fondness for its engaging gameplay.
  • The bumpy ride through this event also engendered a camaraderie among the players, engendering humor and shared experiences.

Remembering the Hurdles

Nerathun provided a cheeky recollection of the event’s “rules”, which included avoiding climbing, getting ‘wet’, and engaging in combat. Adding to this, StarJolion humorously recollected scenarios where players had to deliver food to inaccessible mountain tops or avoid sudden shower of attacks from Archer hilichurls.

Experiencing the Rush

A player named Diaten021 noted the challenge was more difficult for console and mobile players as loading screens wouldn’t pause the timer. However, they still enjoyed planning and executing intricate routes. On the other hand, Drogozi felt the challenge was ‘not really bad’, but admitted some delivery spots were a ‘bit tricky’.

The Legacy

Several players reflected humorously on the event’s reputation for triggering trauma. Sikotamen jestingly attributed the conception that Genshin events were too easy largely to players’ experiences with the ‘legendary food delivery event’. However, several players also expressed a desire for a return of such interactive and challenging events, including s_kowalski who admitted the now-distant event had driven them crazy, yet now seems fun in retrospect.

Droffilc71 wrapped up the thread with a lighthearted summation of their experience. The event was a hilarious ride, filled with restrictions and unexpected fails, but it kept the players engaged, and provided lots of material for Reddit comics. They admitted they would love to do it all over again! There’s no denying that the notorious food delivery event has become a shared memory for much of the Genshin Impact community, bringing a smile or a shudder at its mere mention.