Genshin Impact: Android Controller Support Frustrations Explode!

Genshin players voice frustration over lack of Android controller support, sparking heated debate online.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players have taken to Reddit to vent their frustrations over the absence of controller support on Android devices. This has sparked a heated debate among the community.


  • Players express disappointment over the lack of Android controller support.
  • Speculations arise regarding an exclusivity deal with Apple affecting feature availability.
  • Community members discuss the impact of Hoyoverse’s decisions on game features.

Genshin Impact Frustrations

Players like user ‘Adreamer22’ express frustration over the disparity in features between different platforms, questioning why Android lacks controller support despite other platforms having it from launch.

Apple Exclusivity Speculations

User ‘Clover-kun’ points out the Apple exclusivity deal as a reason for the disparity, citing official 120fps support only on Apple devices.

Hoyoverse Decisions Impact

User ‘EngelAguilar’ delves into Hoyoverse’s decision-making process, citing collaborations with companies like Sony and Apple as factors influencing feature availability.