Genshin Impact: Best Signature Burst Voice Lines Revealed!

Discover the epic voice lines players love to hear when unleashing powerful bursts in Genshin Impact!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Genshin Impact, players are discussing their favorite signature burst voice lines for characters like Raiden. Check out what the community thinks!


  • Community shares diverse favorite voice lines for character bursts
  • Players appreciate poetic, intimidating, and character-specific lines
  • Voice lines range from majestic declarations to humorous quips

Player Favorites

Players adore Raiden’s “Inazuma shines Eternal!” as it exudes power and grandeur, perfectly reflecting her character. On the other hand, Xiangling’s enthusiastic “Good food, good life!” adds a playful touch to her fiery attacks, charming her fans.

In-Character Quotes

Some voice lines, such as Albedo’s “The present is clear, the future, hazy,” perfectly capture the reflective nature of his character, adding depth to his gameplay experience.

Diversity in Preferences

Players enjoy a variety of voice lines, from Zhongli’s authoritative “Rex Lapis will judge you!” to Ganyu’s serene “May the frost guide you!” Each line adds a unique flair to the characters’ abilities, resonating with different player preferences.