Genshin Impact: Can’t Please Them All – Understanding Player Sentiments

Players in Genshin Impact are torn between wanting harder content and finding existing challenges too restrictive. Dive into the debates!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Genshin Impact, players often find themselves torn between desiring more difficulty and feeling restricted by existing challenges. Recently, a Reddit post sparked a heated debate among fans regarding the game’s content.


  • Players are divided on the difficulty level of the game’s latest content, Imaginarium Theater.
  • Some players feel the new challenges require too many characters, while others believe the content is not truly hard but rather restrictive.
  • There is a divergence of opinions within the community, with some players enjoying the increased planning and brainpower required for the new content.

Torn Between Difficulty and Restrictions

As Genshin Impact introduces new endgame content like the Imaginarium Theater, players are experiencing a range of emotions. Some express frustration at the perceived difficulty of the challenges, while others point out that it’s more about the restrictive nature of the requirements.

Debating Player Sentiments

One user mentioned, “The mode isn’t hard, it’s just extremely restrictive and particularly punishing to newer accounts. Enemies aren’t deadly, you don’t need crazy dps, the only ‘challenge’ is having enough built characters.” This sentiment resonated with many players who felt limited by the character requirements.

Community Discord

Another player highlighted the divide in the player base, stating, “Plenty of players are still asking for any hard content, because the theater is very easy if you’ve played long enough to collect characters. Way easier than abyss.” This contrast showcases the diverse preferences among players.

Moreover, some players believe that the Imaginarium Theater simply requires more planning and strategizing than the Spiral Abyss, emphasizing the need for a different approach rather than raw power.