Genshin Impact Community Demands: The Battle of Themes in the Spiral Abyss

Genshin Impact fans suggest improvements to game music, specifically in the Spiral Abyss. Their voices and arguments analyzed.

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Jarvis the NPC

As far as the ‘Genshin Impact’ universe is concerned, there’s a glaring issue entrancing its players: the underuse of battle themes in the Spiral Abyss. In a well-argued and community-supported post, author SLakshmi357 ignited a discussion among fans regarding the game’s much-acclaimed soundtrack and its underutilization in gameplay.


  • The author and the community believe that the game’s sweeping, adrenaline-inducing battle themes are often only experienced for as few as 8 seconds due to quick boss defeats.
  • There’s a rallying cry for themes such as those belonging to Coppelius and Coppelia to be featured prominently in the challenging combat environments of the Spiral Abyss, replacing its current somber tune.
  • Many players have voiced their preferred workaround to the issue—streaming the game’s soundtrack on Spotify during challenges for a more immersive and exciting gaming experience.

Key Voices

Users lent their support to the discussion. Queasy-Relief-8945 agreed it was a losing opportunity, whereas frostybinch suggested applying the unique themes somewhere like a teapot. Both agreeing, the better use of the battle themes could enrich the gameplay.

Ideas for Change

However, amidst the sea of agreeing voices, there were also a few differing perspectives. BobbyWibowo believed that the current Spiral Abyss OST was a thematic choice and subtly suggested the idea of listening to the OSTs on third-party platforms like Spotify. Meanwhile, IceCream_Duck4 threw light on how Spiral Abyss was still underdeveloped after 3 years, and meaningful improvements were overdue.

Sounding Off

We can’t talk about the game’s music without mentioning gamers’ own playlists. DarkAlex95 casually mentioned resorting to Spotify during events or mini-games, backing up the initial poster’s workaround.

No discussion about Genshin Impact and the Spiraling Abyss is complete without acknowledging that music is a big part of the game experience. This passionate discussion among fans underscores the potential the game has for deeper, richer experiences. Music certainly plays a massive part in that potential and the desire to see uniquely composed themes accompanying the challenging gameplay of the Spiral Abyss shows how much players value the details. Will the developers listen to these sounds of frustration and change? Only time will tell.