Genshin Impact Community Discovers New Facts about Yanfei Appearance

Yanfei character has more to her than meets the eye, says the Genshin Impact community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact’s vibrant world is full of secrets and today’s revelation is no different. The fan-favorite character, Yanfei, has been causing a minor uproar in the community due her surprisingly ‘horny’ head! As it turns out, many players hadn’t realised that she had horns for over three years!

Characters’ Signature

  • Yanfei has horns and scales.
  • Players showed a diverse range of reactions.
  • Deeper character design appreciation.

Community Reactions

As user ayanokojifrfr posted about Yanfei’s horn, a flurry undertone of shock and amusement flooded the comments. PerhapsItsVit brought another shocking revelation by stating, ‘So let me tell you she has scales on her body.’ After this revelation, a humorous twist was added by user Vulking, accusing Yanfei of hiding her ‘scales’ in plain sight.

True Character Details

The discussion advanced to spotlight the attention to character detail that the Genshin Impact designers have put in. Players have known Yanfei for ages, and yet, this new information causes a cascade of surprised reactions. A_Noelle_Main was even shocked to discover the scales, stating ‘Uh yes? But I didn’t know she has scales.’

Character Appreciation

Another interesting trend was the increase in appreciation for Yanfei’s character design. Rukasu02 humorously confines, ‘My girl always had antlers 🥹’, indicating a sense of ownership and kinship towards Yanfei.

As the community dives back into Genshin Impact with a renewed sense of wonder and curiosity, we are reminded of the game’s complexity and depth. Who knows what other overlooked character details lie in waiting for a sharp-eyed player to notice? Dive back into the game, and see what other surprises await!