Genshin Impact Community Pet Peeves in Co-Op

Exploring the mishaps and misadventures of the Genshin Impact co-op mode, as shared by its very own community.

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Genshin Impact’s co-op mode has invited a host of hilarious, frustrating, and downright bizarre experiences among players, demonstrated by a post from Familiar_Book1105 detailing his common pet peeves. As it turns out, there’s quite a lot that gets under players’ skins when adventuring together in Teyvat.

Team Dictatorship

Familiar_Book1105 vents about players who act like showrunners in co-op, instructing other players who to play as. His hilariously recounted instance of being dictated to switch from Diluc to Alhaitham by a weaker player resonated with several other commenters. Punpuffs echoes this sentiment, stating that not knowing what you’ll encounter in Co-op just adds to the fun, and players should let others experiment with characters and builds.

Dealing with Laziness in Queues

Another widespread pet peeve is the rude action of a player queueing and claiming their rewards repeatedly, instead of continuing the challenge, essentially making others’ game experience tedious. AbbreviationsRound52 truly hit the nail on the head when they called it a ‘stupid system’ that desperately needs a rework.

Requests for Excessive Help

One of the frequently witnessed behaviors, which Familiar_Book1105 finds nettlesome, is of players asking for unreasonable amounts of help with world quests. Linked in with this irritation, others also shared their woes of joining a co-op only to face communication barriers like mgd5800 and players stealing resources like jadenyuki7001 pointed out.

Hosting Woes

Dysmach chipped in with his issue regarding the co-op feature; he can’t end a session as the host for about five minutes after the rewards have been claimed. The inconvenience could certainly kill the joy of multiplayer, especially if you’re eager to hop into the next battle.

In the grand scheme of Teyvat, these experiences, though annoying, add to the stories players tell and the lessons they learn. Even in a fantasy world, fascinatingly, human manners, or lack thereof, still play a pivotal role in the overall experience. Hence, it’s clear from the community discussions, creating a more empathetic co-op mode will benefit Genshin Impact and its players, fostering a healthier and more pleasant gaming community.