Genshin Impact Community Speaks: The Hunt for the Ultimate Standard Banner 5-Star

The Genshin Impact community speaks out about their dream 5-star standard banner characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant world of Genshin Impact, players are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such discussion is currently brewing around the topic of Hoyo offering a free Standard Banner 5-star pick to everyone.


  • User sentiment for this proposal is overwhelmingly positive, with players eagerly voicing their choice for a Standard Banner 5-Star character.
  • Revenue impact: Players contend that this wouldn’t significantly affect the game’s sales, keeping the business model sustainable.
  • Strong desire: Characters like Mona and Diluc are mentioned frequently, showcasing players’ preferences and aspirations.

A Plea for Game Improvement

Reactions to the idea of a free Standard Banner 5-Star character selection have been, to put it mildly, enthusiastic. Players express that this change wouldn’t necessarily tip the game balance, but rather enhance their enjoyment and engagement, increasing the appeal of the game for both existing and new players.

The Community’s Choices

Which 5-star character is considered the crown jewel? That’s subjective, depending on the player’s particular liking. For instance, drowning-in-dopamine goes classic with Jean, while Exodia_Girl would take Diluc’s C4 in heartbeat.

Final Words

The discussion surrounding a free 5-star character choice from Genshin Impact’s Standard Banner is robust and revealing. By engaging with their player base through these discussions, the creators of Genshin Impact can gain insights and develop ways to evolve the game in line with their audience’s preferences.

The sentiment, as we see it, is clear – we love the idea, Hoyo make it happen! *nudge*