Genshin Impact Debate: First Instance of Hair Glowing – Is it Neuvillette?

Community dialogue on Genshin Impact character Neuvillette's glowing hair phenomenon during his burst attack.

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Genshin Impact’s fanbase is abuzz with chatter about a particular character’s flowing lumina – Neuvillette. Notably, this discussion centers around the question: ‘Is Neuvillette the first to have glowing hair during his burst attack?’ This provocative query stirred emotions and spirited responses amongst the community.


  • A chunk of the community believes it’s not the hair, but Neuvillette’s horns that are glowing. Another portion of fans believe it’s his body marks under the shirt.
  • One user has expressed an eagerness to change their playing style based solely on Neuvillette’s design.
  • Revelations erupted from conflicting ideas – some assert that the glow was witnessed during his charged attack, not the burst, indicating a mix-up.

Fan Perspectives

Some fans clearly demonstrate an absolute investment in the characters and game design. For instance, ‘Monchi83’ stated, ‘He looks so cool not sure if I’ll like his play style but I am willing to change my mind just because I like his design a lot.’ This comment contributing to the overall positivity of the post. Humor seeped into the discussion through user ‘PH4N70M_Z0N3’s’ comment likening Neuvillette to the evolution of ‘The Otter.’

Character Details

Conversations around character intricacies offer a deep dive into the perceptions of various game elements. ‘-Revelation-‘ and ‘Rupeq10’ point out to fellow fans that what was being observed would more likely be Neuvillette’s charged attack rather than his burst. Meanwhile, ‘Low_Artist_7663’ contributes to the theory that it’s not the hair, but marks on Neuvillette’s body under his shirt, that are emitting the glow.

Miscellaneous Comments

Engaging with material beyond the simple fact of the game led to a creative array of responses. ‘Standard-Effort5681’ humorously suggested that it’s Neuvillette’s entire suit that’s glowing – a deception technique, possibly? Meanwhile, ‘_Linkiboy_’ openly questions if they are missing something, asking, ‘I don’t see his hair glowing? Am I stupid?’ This effectively summarizes the variety of viewpoints that this post generated.

As this lively discourse displays, Genshin Impact continues to captivate its audience – sparking discussions that muse over minute details and the ramifications they have on gameplay or just pure character appreciation. The enduring fascination surrounding this game is evident. Regardless of whether it is Neuvillette’s hair, horns, or body marks that are glowing, fans remain engaged and involved – with an anticipation to see what other surprises Genshin Impact has in store.