Genshin Impact Debate: Paimon as a Gadget Companion? Fans Weigh In

Fans debate on whether Paimon should be a companion gadget in Genshin Impact; discover their insights here!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans, a new hot topic is up on the game’s community forum! A player, going by the name CallMeLeooo, kicked off a discussion with a simple yet intriguing question: ‘Why can’t we have Paimon as a gadget companion?’


  • The discussion thread shows widespread support for the idea, with many players backing Paimon’s inclusion as a companion gadget.
  • However, not everyone agrees, with some fans expressing concerns about the potential imbalance the move could create.
  • Many comedic responses lighten up the conversation, showcasing the lively and humorous spirit inherent in the Genshin Impact community.

Voices in Support

Among the many voices heard in this discussion is RADIOAUDIO, a strong advocate for Paimon’s gadget status. ‘I have been asking this in every survey! Just let me have Paimon fly around me,’ they write passionately. Clearly, here’s a gamer who yearns for a closer connection with their cute companion and is willing to fight for it!

There are even those willing to go the extra mile for Paimon. A fan with the user name Vievin voices: ‘Please! I’d pay actual money for a Paimon companion gadget.’ Does this gesture show a willingness to put money where their mouth is, or does it exemplify fandom at its finest? You decide!

The (Friendly) Opposition

However, not all fans are onboard with the idea of having Paimon as a gadget buddy. KubekO212 states plainly, ‘Because Paimon is Paimon, not a gadget.’ A powerful point, considering many players cherish Paimon’s unique personality that could have potential to be watered down if she is ‘gadgetized.’

We also have others, like Present-Ad-8531, who speculate on the potential consequences of such a move, hinting that this could ‘unnecessarily amp up the final boss.’ Could they be on to something? Is there more to Paimon than meets the eye? Only time will tell.

Fan Interactions and Bonds

More than just a simple Q&A, this thread has showcased the passion, camaraderie, and humor found among the Genshin Impact community. Just look at the comment by diligentghost, who made everyone’s day with their quip: ‘”Is It AnOtHeR pAiMoN?”‘ Sure, it might not answer the question at hand, but it highlights the fun-loving attitude that’s part and parcel of the gaming world.

Facing the future, we can all agree that, whether Paimon becomes a gadget companion or not, the players’ laughter, dedication, and spirit of debate will keep the Genshin Impact community lively, engaging and unpredictable.