Genshin Impact: Delving into the Debate of Chevreuse’s Constellations

Explore the player-based opinions on Genshin Impact's Chevreuse's constellations. From C0 to C6, the game changes!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-evolving universe of Genshin Impact, a curious discussion has arisen around a specific heroine, Chevreuse and her distinct constellations. An insightful post by Agreeable_Bullfrog61 seeks community advice and insights on the efficiency of Chevreuse at its Constellation 0 (C0) and Constellation 6 (C6) levels.


  • Trending towards a positive sentiment for both C0 and C6 levels of Chevreuse
  • Notable comparison of C6 Chevreuse’s benefits to other in-game characters like Kazuha
  • Emerging caution about the statistical uncertainty when pulling for specific 4-star characters

Constellations Quandary

The crux of the issue lies in the decision between different constellation levels. A comment by D0gg0s emphasizes C6 as her most efficient constellation while deeming the others ‘kinda mid’. Reflecting a slice of broader sentiment, AramushaIsLove acclaims her C0 version as ‘not bad’.

Finding the Equivalent

A point of highlight is jackeral’s comparison that deems a C6 Chevreuse as an equivalent, if not a replacement, for another character, Kazuha. Subject_Advance5575 concurs,turning our attention towards the buff at C6 that makes her a potent replacement for those lacking Kazuha, especially in Raiden teams.

Banner’s Bets

A twist in the tale comes from RRis7393’s cautioning note on the unpredictability of banner pulls for 4-star characters. Echoing WhooooCares’s sentiment, pulling for 4-star characters, in general, is seen as a lottery you might not want to bet on.

Evaluating our journey from the humble beginnings of a C0 Chevreuse to the lofty heights of a C6 Chevreuse has been a wild ride. But hey, that’s the nature of the Genshin Impact universe, constantly changing, forever surprising. But let’s not forget that, like our friend RRis7393, sometimes it’s better to sit back, and enjoy the game for what it is, rather than chasing unsteady stars that might not shine in our favor.