Genshin Impact Discussion: The Best Hydro Character Debate

In the world of Genshin Impact, who is the best hydro character? Join the discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a passionate online discussion focused on the popular game Genshin Impact, fans evaluate the merits of different hydro characters. An empty comic post titled “The best Hydro” by smol_schrodinger_cat has sparked humorous responses and intriguing insights from the community members.


  • Most community members are seen advocating for their favorite hydro characters conforming to their playstyle and character appeal.
  • The initial comic strip despite its emptiness has sparked a series of humorous interactions among the members.
  • A few users are seen cheering on an underdog character from the game, showcasing the diversity of character choices within the multiplayer game.

The Tone of the Conversation

The overall conversation is light-hearted and casual, indicating the appeal of the game Genshin Impact and its wide reach amongst a variety of players. With one user commenting on the ironic capabilities of a character, there are also elements of affectionate mockery towards character attributes.

Character Appreciation

Interestingly, specific characters like Furina and Kokomo are talked about in larger detail. Fan-made hypothetical scenarios further deepen the love these fans have for these characters, a striking example being when a user jokes about a character confusing the health bars.

Artistic Impressions

While the comic was empty, several users still recognized the post by smol_schrodinger_cat who is known for their art, showcasing the stalwart appreciation the users have for their community members. One message where the artist indicates their identity, offers a glimpse into the engagement between artists and gamers in the platform.

In all, despite a comic strip bug, the Genshin Impact community thrives with hearty messages, humor, and excitable energy towards the game. This depicts an enthusiastic fan base ready to jump at the chance to engage, even at the sight of an empty comic pane, thus proving the solidarity and fun spirit inherent of the Genshin Impact players’ community.