Genshin Impact: Event Backlash – Are the Events Just Filler?

Fans debate over the short duration of recent Genshin Impact events and question their purpose.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans are up in arms over the brief duration of recent events, leaving many to question the value of these fillers.


  • The events’ short length has left players feeling unsatisfied and questioning the purpose behind such content.
  • Players seem divided on whether they prefer shorter events for quick rewards or longer events for more substantial content.
  • Some speculate that the rushed events are paving the way for upcoming major updates.

A Quick Fix

Gamers express disappointment over the current event’s brevity, feeling it doesn’t offer enough gameplay to engage them properly. One user commented, ‘I mean… this event is 8min of gameplay. No quest, no NPC, you just port in. Nothing to stretch out here.’

Filler or Necessary Preparations?

Concerns arise regarding the purpose of these short events. Are they merely filler content designed to keep players occupied briefly, or are they setting the stage for more significant updates? Players debate the reasoning behind the recent abundance of quick events.

Community Divide

Opinions vary within the community, with some appreciating the brevity of events as it caters to their daily gameplay routines, while others crave more substantial content to sink their teeth into. The divide between short-term enjoyment and long-term satisfaction is apparent among Genshin Impact enthusiasts.

The ongoing debate surrounding the length and depth of Genshin Impact events showcases the diverse preferences within the player base. While some seek quick thrills and efficient rewards, others yearn for more meaningful and engaging content to immerse themselves in. As the game continues to evolve, balancing these varying player desires will be crucial for the developers to maintain player engagement and satisfaction.