Genshin Impact Fans Debunk ‘Yandere Ayaka’ Theory: Pairing with Chevreuse Sparks Joy!

Fans assert the 'Yandere Ayaka' theory misrepresents the friendly and wholesome character in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Recent fan interactions around Genshin Impact have been buzzing about the character interactions of Ayaka and Chevreuse. In particular, a post from RishaRea48 on a popular online forum questioned the perception of Ayaka hating female characters, jesting that Hoyoverse may have grown tired of such portrayals. He praised the duo, a change that many fans found refreshing and intriguing.


  • Players debunk ‘Yandere Ayaka’ theory, acknowledging her friendly relationships with other female characters.
  • Discussion revolves around how the ‘Yandere’ portrayal mischaracterizes Ayaka.
  • There is consensus that the ‘Yandere Ayaka’ theory is a tongue-in-cheek fabrication, not to be taken seriously.

Context and Characterization

As Gravewalker21 pointedly mentions, the online fandom labels Ayaka a ‘Yandere,’ while in-game, she’s friendly and sometimes even a little shy. The flippant rebrand of Ayaka as a Yandere seems to have caused some confusion, particularly as community member azureempyreas stated, she’s just not one.

Fandom vs Canon

In terms of serious allegations of mischaracterization, crystxllizing brandishes the Yandere Ayaka meme as ‘the most annoying and a terrible mischaracterization ever.’ Similarly, there’s a strong agreement with Maraxus7 sharing that ‘Ayaka’s not a yandere, that’s just a fanfic joke.’ It’s clear from the discussion, the fandom’s penchant for applying Yandere traits to Ayaka is not well-received.

Ayaka and Chevreuse: A Duo

Commenter Writing_Panda104 brings the discussion back to the Ayaka-Chevreuse relationship, highlighting that their friendship is not a new creation but a consistent narrative since Inazuma’s release. Leaning into this friendly dynamic, as shown in-game, seems to be winning over fans who appreciate witnessing these bonds in action.

In the midst of memes, misunderstandings, and mischaracterizations, Genshin Impact fans continue to find joy in the relationships they can explore within Teyvat’s magical world. As both RishaRea48’s post and the ensuing discussions suggest, even a simple reminder about characters’ true dynamics can spark a wave of positivity among fans. Instead of keeping characters in one-dimensional boxes, enjoying them in all their complexity enriches the Genshin Impact experience.