Genshin Impact Fans Divided Over Collaborative Art Project

Genshin Impact fans clash over the idea of collaborating with other gacha game subreddits for a new project.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans on Reddit are at odds over the suggestion of collaborating with other gacha game communities for a joint art project. The proposal involves creating a canvas featuring characters from various games, including Genshin Impact, but opinions are split.


  • Fans are debating the idea of a collaborative art project with other gacha games.
  • Some users worry about potential trolling and invasion of the artwork.
  • Suggestions range from using recognizable characters to more obscure choices.

Genshin Characters or Bust

Some users insist on prominently featuring characters from Genshin Impact, believing it would enhance the project’s appeal to fans of the game. One user, HZack0508, suggested using a character like Jett, known only to Genshin players.

Avoiding Trolls and Recognizability

Other users express concerns about potential trolling and advocate for featuring characters that the majority of people would not recognize. Konkuriito emphasized the importance of selecting lesser-known characters to avoid unwanted attention.

Divided Opinions on Art Choices

ArkassEX proposed showcasing Furina with the French tricolore to tie in with the upcoming Paris Olympics, aiming for a unique and relevant representation. Meanwhile, Ktan_Dantaktee suggested using an Arlecchino meme for wider audience engagement.

In a thread of mixed reactions, some users, like YellowStarfruit6, expressed frustration with past collaborative projects, denouncing r/place as a platform for bullying. Despite differing views, fans are eager to see how the project unfolds, highlighting a deep passion for creativity within the community.