Genshin Impact Glitch Fix: Community Reactions

Discover how the Genshin Impact community reacts to the recent glitch fix

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact gamers are buzzing about the recent fix for the hilarious Ningguang glitch. Let’s dive into the community reactions!


  • Community disappointed with glitch fix delay
  • Humorous memes lighten the mood
  • Players express frustration with ongoing bugs

Community Disappointment

Many players expressed disappointment at the timing of the glitch fix, feeling it took too long to address the issue.

Humorous Memes

Despite the frustrations, the community managed to find humor in the situation, creating memes and jokes about the glitch fix.

Frustration with Ongoing Bugs

Some users voiced their frustration with the game’s ongoing bugs, pointing out that other glitches, like those with Mona and Xinyan, remain unresolved.

Gamers in the Genshin Impact subreddit are not only passionate about the game but also quick to react when issues arise. The recent fix for the Ningguang glitch sparked a mix of emotions among players, highlighting the community’s dedication to the game’s development. As gamers eagerly await future updates, one thing is certain: the Genshin Impact community’s passion is unwavering.