Genshin Impact: Hilarious Ways to Start a Conversation in the Genshin Impact Community

Join the fun in the Genshin Impact subreddit where users share quirky ways to start conversations!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players take the art of starting conversations to a whole new level, showcasing their creativity and humor.


  • Community members display unique and humorous approaches to initiating talks.
  • Players share quirky responses involving car models, fictional characters, and memes.
  • The thread exemplifies the playful and diverse nature of the Genshin Impact player base.

Quirky Car Conversations

The Genshin Impact subreddit bursts with hilarious exchanges involving car models like Golf 3 2.0 GTI 16v and 1985 Toyota Levin.

Imaginary Characters and Memes

Some users prefer quoting fictional characters like Ford Prefect or referencing popular memes to kick off conversations.

A Taste of Playful Diversity

From references to Furina mains to nostalgic songs like ‘Running in the 90s,’ the thread encapsulates the varied interests within the player community.

The Genshin Impact subreddit truly embraces the spirit of fun and camaraderie, where even simple conversation starters turn into delightful exchanges that bring players closer together.