Genshin Impact: How Character Story/Archon Quests Impact Players

Discover how the story and Archon quests in Genshin Impact have influenced players' perception and desire for certain characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact, the popular open-world action role-playing game, has garnered a loyal fanbase since its release. One of the reasons behind its success lies in its captivating storytelling, particularly through character story and Archon quests. These quests provide players with an in-depth look into the personal lives and backstories of various characters, sparking a range of emotions and influencing players’ preferences. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and comments to see how these quests have impacted players.


  • The tragic backstory of Furina compelled a player to change their mind and pull for her, even going as far as pulling for her weapon.
  • Xianyun’s story quest made a player instantly want to obtain her, highlighting her unique qualities and traits.
  • Several characters, such as Shenhe and Dehya, didn’t have the same impact on players after their quests.
  • Qiqi’s appearance in Baizhu’s story quest made a player want her due to her adorable nature.

The Impact of Character Story/Archon Quests:

Genshin Impact’s character story and Archon quests serve as significant catalysts in shaping players’ opinions and desires. While some characters require convincing from their respective quests, others instantly captivate players with their personalities and participation in the game’s content.

One player shared their experience with Furina’s story quest. Initially, they didn’t consider pulling for her, but her tragic backstory changed their perspective entirely. The emotional weight of her past compelled them to pull not only for Furina but also for her weapon. This sentiment highlights the effectiveness of storytelling in creating a deeper connection between players and characters.

Xianyun stands as another example of how a story quest can instantly change a player’s mind. After experiencing Xianyun’s quest, one player immediately went to the wish screen and obtained her. They admired her unique qualities and motherly traits, making her a must-have in their roster.

However, not all characters found the same success in influencing players. Shenhe, for instance, was mentioned by a player who initially liked her a lot but quickly lost interest. The reasons behind this change of heart were not explicitly mentioned, but it could be speculated that Shenhe’s story quest failed to deliver the impact that was expected.

Qiqi, on the other hand, made a positive impression on a player thanks to her appearance in Baizhu’s story quest. The player found her to be adorable and expressed a desire to obtain her. This showcases the power of character interactions within quests and how they can influence players’ desire for specific characters.

Bringing Characters to Life:

Genshin Impact has succeeded in bringing its characters to life through engaging story and Archon quests. By delving into their pasts and showcasing their unique traits, the game has managed to create emotional connections between players and the characters. Whether it’s the tragic backstory of Furina or the motherly qualities of Xianyun, these quests add depth to the characters, giving players a reason to invest in their stories.

It’s important to note that while some characters may resonate strongly with certain players, others may have a lesser impact. This can be attributed to personal preferences and individual experiences with different quests. However, Genshin Impact’s ability to spark discussion and generate excitement through these quests speaks to the game’s overall success in character development and storytelling.