Genshin Impact: IT Sucks!! Abyss Better – Reddit Community Insights

Players share their frustrations and struggles in the new Genshin Impact endgame content, highlighting the challenge of Abyss and IT.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are voicing their opinions on the new endgame content. A Reddit post emphasizes the struggles with the latest challenges, sparking diverse reactions from the community.


  • Players find the new content challenging, struggling to clear Abyss and IT.
  • Some players enjoy other game aspects yet still face difficulties with the endgame.
  • The increased difficulty in Abyss and IT generates mixed reactions among the community.

Reactions to Endgame Challenges

Genshin Impact fans express their frustrations with the latest endgame content. User Molangie shares a simple but relatable emoji, reflecting the sentiment of many players facing challenging gameplay.

Brandonmac100 highlights the struggle of finding time to engage with the new content, showcasing the balancing act players face between real-life commitments and in-game challenges.

Viparyas details their experience with the new content, providing insights into the difficulty levels and time constraints that hinder progression for many players.

Zephrinox delves into the impact of the changes on in-game rewards, emphasizing the importance of efficient resource management in overcoming the steep challenges presented by Abyss and IT.