Genshin Impact: Natlan Wind Glider Fan Concepts Stir Excitement in the Community

Genshin Impact fans discuss new Natlan Wind Glider fan concepts on Reddit. Will they make it into the game?

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans are buzzing with excitement over the new Natlan Wind Glider fan concepts that have surfaced on Reddit. The designs have sparked a lively discussion among players, each sharing their preferences and ideas for the glider’s potential inclusion in the game.


  • Players are divided on which design they prefer, with some leaning towards design A while others favor design B.
  • Many players express a desire for more color variety, suggesting the addition of blue or red elements to the glider designs.
  • Some players draw comparisons between the designs and existing cultural motifs, adding a layer of depth to the discussion.

Natlan Wind Glider Designs

The Natlan Wind Glider fan concepts have generated a wave of enthusiasm in the Genshin Impact community. Players are actively engaging with the designs, offering feedback and sharing their thoughts on the potential implementation of these gliders in the game.

Color Preferences

Color plays a significant role in the discussions, with some users advocating for more vibrant hues to be incorporated into the designs. Suggestions for red or blue accents have been repeatedly raised, highlighting the importance of color in enhancing the visual appeal of the gliders.

Cultural Influences

Several players have noted resemblances between the glider designs and real-world cultural motifs. The incorporation of mesoamerican vibes in certain designs has sparked intriguing conversations about the potential inspirations behind the Natlan Wind Glider concepts.

Design A vs. Design B

The debate between design A and design B has been a focal point of the discussions. While some players are drawn to the sleek aesthetic of design A, others feel that design B better aligns with the overall aesthetic of Genshin Impact. The contrasting opinions have led to a rich exchange of ideas within the community.

Overall, the Natlan Wind Glider fan concepts have energized the Genshin Impact player base, showcasing the creativity and passion of the community. As players eagerly await future updates from the development team, the discussions surrounding these designs continue to evolve, demonstrating the enduring appeal of customization and personal expression in the world of Genshin Impact.