Genshin Impact: Players Discuss Coping Strategies After Losing 50/50

Find out how Genshin Impact players cope with losing the 50/50 gamble in gacha pulls!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players share their coping strategies after experiencing a 50/50 loss in gacha pulls. Whether it’s accepting the outcome, planning for the worst, or simply swiping with disposable income, the community discusses their approaches.


  • Players plan for 50/50 losses and are pleasantly surprised when they win.
  • Some find solace in the guarantee at 160 pulls.
  • Others have grown accustomed to gacha results over time.

Sitting on C14 Mona

Saalmaa12 reflects on their experience of sitting on C14 Mona and building the characters they acquire, trying out various team compositions to make the most of their pulls.

Embracing the Worst

Elinim takes an engineer’s approach, always planning for the worst possible outcome and swiping with disposable income as a coping mechanism.

The Credit Card Solution

FloatPointBuoy humorously mentions that they bust out the credit card when faced with a challenging gacha situation, showcasing a common response to overcome disappointments.

The Genshin Impact community showcases diverse coping strategies when facing 50/50 losses in gacha pulls, whether it’s accepting the odds, planning meticulously, or resorting to credit cards.