Genshin Impact Players Discuss Readability Improvements

Genshin Impact players share suggestions and concerns on UI clarity in Reddit conversations.

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Portal Staff

One of the best elements of RPGs is finding unique loot with game-altering mechanics. In the early days of RPG building, these could be simple things, like 2x damage or 2x attack speed. Nowadays, the mechanics can be quite complex – just look at the damage calculations required in Diablo 4 – sometimes even so complex that players don’t agree on how things actually work. Beyond the complexity of the implementation of the mechanics, there is also the problem of accurately communicating such mechanics to users.

In recent discussions on Reddit, players of the popular game Genshin Impact have been expressing their views regarding certain aspects of the game’s user interface (UI). The discussion was initiated by the Reddit user ‘greencr0w’ who expressed dissatisfaction with the overcomplexity of the game’s menus.


  • Many users find the game’s menu and lore descriptions too complex.
  • Some players advocated for clearer, more spacious layouts.
  • Some users defended the game’s complex descriptions, citing necessity for clarity.

Arguments against Complexity

u/HammeredWharf commented, ‘No, people regularly make fun of Hoyo’s compulsion to name every little thing. I guess they do it for lore, but it makes reading some kits way more annoying than it should be.’ This sentiment was echoed by another u/Leviathan-King, ‘They probably do it to make it so nothing is vaguely written in any sense.’

Defences for Complexity

Yet, not everyone agreed with the criticism. ‘Overcomplication is sometimes necessary to avoid misleading the player,’ defended u/kink-police. Another user argued that the detailed descriptions are a way to ensure accountability, stating ‘It’s a terms and conditions description that you should read because Hoyo will not be held accountable for anything outside the in-game context.’

Call for UI Improvements

‘The formatting or bullet lists would be a nice start. It’s always felt very cluttered,’ one user commented, highlighting a common sentiment echoed in the thread. ‘They need to make toggable Razor descriptions for people who don’t want to deal with this,’ said another, hinting at a desire for customizable UI options.

Overall, while certain aspects of Genshin Impact’s UI have been criticized, differing perspectives on the issue highlight the complexity of designing accommodating UIs in video games. Nonetheless, the open dialogue between players, such as the one started by ‘greencr0w’ on Reddit, can help game developers to better understand player needs and potentially improve future updates.