Genshin Impact: Stories of Winning Your First 50/50 Pull

Discover the exhilarating tales of Genshin Impact players' first ever 50/50 pulls and the characters they won.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact has players recounting their first 50/50 wins in an amusing Reddit thread. From Venti to Zhongli, the excitement is palpable!


  • Players share their joy and surprise at their first successful 50/50 pulls.
  • Characters like Venti, Zhongli, Ganyu, and more are highlighted in the stories.
  • Some players recall the impact of these characters on their gameplay and accomplishments.

Venti’s Victory

Blondefenrir recalls winning Venti on release day, a moment filled with excitement and joy.

Ganyu’s Game-Changer

Rare-Chicken-53 reminisces on the role Ganyu played in their early game achievements, though now taking a backseat in their roster.

Kokomi’s Comeback

HieuBot reveals a detailed account of their numerous losses before finally securing Kokomi on their literal last gems, capturing the essence of the gacha struggle.

The Buzz around Xiao

Wrrbt celebrates pulling Xiao in 1.3, marking a memorable limited 5-star acquisition that stands out in their gaming journey.

The Genshin Impact community’s stories of 50/50 wins offer a mix of nostalgia, humor, and perseverance in the unpredictable world of gacha gaming. Each triumph, whether with Venti, Ganyu, or Kokomi, holds a special place in players’ hearts as they navigate the whims of fate and fortune in their virtual adventures.