Genshin Impact: The Great Boss Debate – Are Weekly Challenges Worth It?

A lively discussion ensues on the worthiness of taking on all bosses each week in 'Genshin Impact'.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact, the open-world action role-playing game, is no stranger to engaging the community into discussions, and the most recent one has players question the effectiveness of taking on all bosses each week. Author JutterflyBoe stirs up the community with their personal belief on the topic, affirming, ‘Personally I think it’s worth it, one day I will finally R5 every craftable weapon.’


  • The discussion reveals players’ individual strategies regarding weekly bosses – some opt for selection based on needs, while others are all in for the potential long-term benefits.
  • A consistent theme emerges: personal gain versus the cost of in-game currency, known as Resin.
  • Indirectly, the discussion highlights the importance of strategic planning in Genshin Impact’s gameplay.

Player Strategies Unveiled

Several players contribute to the debate with their personal strategies. User vampzireael admits, ‘No, I only do the ones that I need.’ Similarly, AT_atoms says, ‘I barely do 2.’ On the other hand, some players echo JutterflyBoe’s sentiment. For instance, SimplyRzy notes, ‘Yes I started doing that and tbh it does feel worth it in the long run.’

The Resin Conundrum

Despite varying strategies, one aspect seems to be a common concern across the board – the cost of Resin. User jayma_ks believes that the Resin cost is too high for the random rewards, stating, ‘I feels it’s too much resin expensive to worth it. I get extra billets, but drops are too random.’

The Game of Numbers

While some choose to play carefully, others are in for the long haul. nirvash530 states, ‘Yes, but I mostly do it for the collection. I try to R5 every craftable weapon. I’m a day 1 player and I still don’t have everything R5 yet despite doing all of them ever since.’

This lively discussion illustrates the diverse strategies players adopt to enjoy Genshin Impact, reinforcing the notion that these games are not just about defeating bosses or advancing through storylines. They are an exercise in decision-making and strategic planning, illuminating the meaning behind what may appear as mere battles and quests.