Genshin Impact: The Joy of 1100 Primogems – Reddit Reactions

Dive into the world of Genshin Impact as players share their joy and frustrations over earning 1100 primogems at once.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Genshin Impact, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of receiving 1100 primogems at once. Players on Reddit share their mixed feelings and experiences.


  • The rush of getting 1100 primogems can be thrilling, but some players find it underwhelming in the grand scheme.
  • Player progression and account depth play a significant role in how this reward is perceived.
  • Challenges arise for newer players without well-built character rosters.

Positive Reactions

For some players like ‘TheKingofWakanda,’ the 1100 primogems felt like a significant reward, especially with completion bonuses adding to the experience.

‘Ewizde’ expressed pure joy with 1720 primos, highlighting the excitement and value this reward brings.

Negative Reactions

‘brddvd’ acknowledged the initial joy but pointed out the diminishing returns, highlighting the short-lived satisfaction.

On the other hand, ‘Luceafarul42’ criticized the development team, expressing frustration over potential future changes to such rewards.

Player Experiences

‘GoSuckOnACactus’ reflects on the challenge of the mode and the variety of characters needed to succeed, offering insights for players of different backgrounds.

‘leopoldshark’ focuses on the resource trade-off, noting the cost of acquiring 4 fragile resin and its impact on artifact farming.

Diverse Views

‘hyrulia’ prefers the gradual acquisition of primogems for a dopamine boost, showcasing differing preferences on reward structures within the player base.

With a mix of positive and negative sentiments, the Genshin Impact community continues to navigate the highs and lows of in-game rewards, shaping their gaming experiences accordingly.