Genshin Impact: The Mysterious Case of Avoiding Eye Contact

Join the fun and chaos in the world of Genshin Impact as characters hilariously dodge eye contact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players are left puzzled by the characters’ strange behavior of avoiding eye contact. Dzienr’s post sets off a chain of humorous theories and experiences…


  • Characters dodge eye contact – comedic reactions ensue
  • Players speculate on in-game reasons for this behavior
  • Community shares relatable anecdotes of similar situations

Mademoiselle Crabaletta’s Revenge?

Dzienr’s mention of the rock-paper-scissors incident sparks imaginative theories – could it be payback?

Pets Play Innocent

Popcornpotatoo250 humorously narrates pets’ denial tactics, adding to the comical atmosphere.

Algorithm Conspiracy?

Icannotfindausername suggests an algorithmic explanation, blending game design with practicality.

Hilarity Ensues

TomyGoku522 and elitebangtan share real-life scenarios mirroring the gameplay, creating a humorous connection with the characters.