Genshin Impact: The Mystery Behind the Missing Name Drop

Discover why the English localization of Genshin Impact chose not to name drop the title, and how it relates to the game's lore and worldbuilding.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact is a game filled with fascinating lore and worldbuilding, but one thing that has left players puzzled is the absence of a name drop in the English localization. Why didn’t the English version of the game explicitly mention the title? Let’s dive into the Reddit post and comments to uncover the reasons behind this intriguing choice.


  • The localization team wanted to preserve the reference to Gnosticism in the game’s worldbuilding.
  • The English title, Genshin Impact, is inspired by the term ‘allogenes’ in Gnosticism.
  • The localization team aimed to maintain the integrity of the lore and chose not to explicitly mention the title to maintain the mystery.

Exploring the Reasons:

In the Reddit comments, users shed light on the rationale behind the English localization’s decision not to name drop the title. One user, Zestyclose-Ad1630, explains that allogenes is a reference to Gnosticism, a significant influence on Genshin Impact’s lore and worldbuilding. The decision to preserve this connection explains why Venti didn’t say something like ‘Genshin, aka Allogenes’ in the English version.

A user named M24Chaffee further expands on this idea, suggesting that the localization team responsible for the in-game text translation and the team that decided on the global title ‘Genshin Impact’ are not necessarily the same. The lore team drew inspiration from various cultures and myths across the world, resulting in a rich tapestry of names and terms. They likely wanted to keep the original names in the ‘original language’ to maintain the authenticity of the world they created.

It’s essential to note that the English version often features terms that are not found in the other major languages but are the original intent of the Hoyoverse lore team. As M24Chaffee highlights, the Chinese version of Genshin Impact refers to Amun as the ‘Scarlet King,’ while the English version uses the name ‘Deshret’ in the Eternal Oasis. Similarly, Furina’s constellation name, ‘Animula Choragi,’ finds its roots in ancient Greece but retains its Latin form in the English version.

The Puzzle Unraveled:

Ultimately, the decision not to explicitly mention the title ‘Genshin Impact’ in the English localization aligns with the game’s approach to worldbuilding and lore. The localization team aimed to preserve the connection to Gnosticism by using the term ‘allogenes’ as an inspiration for the title. By keeping the mystery intact and maintaining the authenticity of the world they created, players are encouraged to delve deeper into the lore and make connections for themselves.