Genshin Impact: Where Do Gamers Choose to Logout?

Gamers reveal their favorite logout spots in Genshin Impact - the choices are both sentimental and strategic!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact is more than just gameplay; it’s about the moments we cherish, like finding the perfect spot to peace out. Reddit users spill the beans on where they choose to logout in the game. Whether it’s for the scenic views or for convenient crafting, each spot holds a special place in the players’ hearts.


  • Discover the sentimental and strategic reasons behind gamers’ choice of logout spots.
  • Players showcase a mix of nostalgia and utility in selecting their favorite locations.
  • From statues to crafting benches, each spot has its own significance in the Genshin Impact world.

Windrise Statue of the Seven

StrykerMaximus finds solace at the Windrise statue of the seven, enjoying the peaceful ambiance before logging out. Others resonate with this sentiment as Windrise holds a special place in their heart for its tranquil setting.

Katheryne’s Spot

Rotkiw_Bigtor divulges that Katheryne’s spot in any region is a top choice, showcasing a blend of humor and convenience in their logout location. This choice adds a comedic touch to the otherwise serious gaming atmosphere.

Local Hotspots in Mondstadt

Gentlemanor and EternalSlayerOP opt for Mondstadt’s bustling areas, demonstrating a sense of belonging and loyalty to the city that feels like home. For them, logging out in Mondstadt is more than just a location; it’s a statement of allegiance.

Crafting Bench Conveniences

EngelAguilar’s choice to logout near the Adventurer’s Guild in Inazuma/Fontaine highlights the practical side of selecting a spot close to a crafting bench. This decision showcases a blend of efficiency and gameplay optimization.

The varied choices in logout spots in Genshin Impact not only reflect players’ preferences but also offer insight into their emotional connections to the virtual world they inhabit. From nostalgia to strategy, each selection holds a unique significance that adds depth to their gaming experience.