Genshin Impact

The Quirky Side of ‘Genshin Impact’: Players Skipping Top-tier Characters

Portal Staff

Explore why some 'Genshin Impact' players prefer character aesthetics over power, resulting in top-tier characters getting ignored.

How Genshin Impact is Inspiring a New Genre of Video Games

Portal Staff

Genshin Impact players discuss the potential influence of the game on future action-adventure titles.

Genshin Impact Players Dive Into Update 4.0 – The Fontaine Experience

Portal Staff

Genshin Impact's Update 4.0 brings Fontaine, new characters, and features causing excitement and critique among players.

Genshin Impact Players Discuss Readability Improvements

Portal Staff

Genshin Impact players share suggestions and concerns on UI clarity in Reddit conversations.

Genshin Impact Pity System Explained

Hamza Bakht

We explore the Genshin Impact pity system, explaining its mechanics and offering tips on how to maximize your rewards.

New Fontaine Characters in Genshin Impact 

Genshin Impact Fontaine New characters
Hamza Bakht

With Genshin 4.0 on the horizon, it's time to get excited for the new roster of Fontaine characters that will be introduced. Here's what we know so far.

5 Best Artifact Sets in Genshin Impact

Hamza Bakht

Artifacts play a key role in your character builds. Here are some of the best artifact sets in Genshin Impact.

Elemental Reactions in Genshin Impact

Hamza Bakht

Genshin Impact offers a fairly intricate and advanced Elemental Reactions system that involves a lot of numbers. Find out how each Elemental Reaction works.

Total wishes for 5 star in Genshin Impact

5 star in Genshin Impact wish animation
Hamza Bakht

Looking for a new 5 star in Genshin Impact? Here's how many pulls you need to save up on average.

5 Games like Genshin Impact

Hamza Bakht

If you're craving games like Genshin Impact then we have a list of 5 experiences that you should definitely check out.