Genshin Impact’s 4.1 Update: Into the Stars and Depths with New Weapons

Discover what Genshin Impact players have to say about the new line of weaponry from the 4.1 update.

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Portal Staff

Genshin Impact’s latest update, titled 4.1 “To the Stars Shining in the Depths” has seen the introduction of exciting new weapons. But how are the players reacting to this? Let’s dive into some of their thoughts.


  • The introduction of the first 4-star HP Sword into Gacha, a point of contention for some players.
  • Universal catalysts are a hot topic, with some players hoping for a wider adoption for the devices.
  • A call to action for more new 4-star weapons to be introduced in the permanent banner.
  • Questions about whether the new HP% swords are worth the investment for Nilou in the game.

Guarding with Gacha Grit

Embracing Genshin Impact’s new weapons, thesqrrootof4is2 expressed both amusement and concern over having ‘our very first 4* HP Sword is a Gacha sword lol’. It seems that some players were anticipating this introduction, but are not completely satisfied with the platform choice.

The Banner Balancing Act

Dizzy-Edge-651 raises a reasonable concern: new 4-star characters make it to the permanent banner with each patch, but why not new 4-star weapons? This sentiment was echoed by Brilliant_Twist_6855, who shared the fatigue of pulling an abundance of bells, eyes of perception, flutes, and such.

Playing with HP

Excitement for HP% swords was voiced by many players. AnzoEloux, for example, posed the question ‘is this new 4* HP sword good for kuki?’. Simultaneously, Ubermus_Prime wondered whether rolling on this weapon banner to get one of the HP% swords for nilou would be a worthy investment.

All in all, it’s clear that Genshin Impact’s 4.1 update has stirred up an ocean of emotions among fans. While the introduction of the weaponry and HP swords has sparked excitement, it’s clear that players continue to hope for more options in the permanent banner and more consideration for the devices they choose to use.