Genshin Impact’s Chevreuse: A Transformation from Comfy Overworld to Abyss Speedrun?

Find out how Chevreuse is shaking up the Genshin Impact landscape, from comfy overworld to Abyss speedruns.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent post on the Genshin Impact forum has sparked lively debate about a user named Chevreuse who claims his once ‘comfy overworld team’ has become an ‘Abyss speedrun team’.\” This statement has left the Genshin Impact community divided, resulting in a variety of sentiments and interpretations.


  • Chevreuse’s assertion challenged notions of what defines a ‘comfy’ team
  • Several users cast doubt on whether this transformation can be solely attributed to Chevreuse
  • The mention of C6R5 (Character level 6, Weapon ascension 5) sparked a debate about gaming budgets

The Concept of Comfy

Initial discussions erupted around the concept of a ‘comfy’ in-game team, as suggested by user ‘Historical_Clock8714’, who asked, \”how is that team even comfy in the overworld?\” A ‘comfy’ team typically incorporates healing or shield abilities as well as mobility enhancement for the ease of gameplay. It seems this doesn’t align with Chevreuse’s preferred lineup.

C6R5 Characters – Power or Flex?

Multiple users, including ‘Sent1nelTheLord’ and ‘AccelTurn’, raised eyebrows at the mention of C6R5 characters, with the former user jokingly saying, \”c6r5 bruh, no shit you’re gonna speedrun abyss\”. This suggests that wielding a character of this level is an evident display of power, and perhaps a flex on Chevreuse’s part.

A Question of Budget

The subject of C6R5 had some players highlighting the pecuniary aspect of the game. User ‘chyrp’ succinctly stated, \”Nice, but not for every budget.\” This underscores the financial commitment required to reach such high-tier in the game.

Taking all this into account, it seems like our mighty Chevreuse has created more than just an Abyss speedrun team; he’s ignited a fiery debate that crosses the boundaries of gameplay comfort, character power dynamics, and monetary investments. Whether he intended it or not, the Genshin Impact community has embraced the challenge and run with it, swiftly and determinedly, just like an Abyss speedrun team.