GernaderJake: Bungie, Please Don’t Do This To Crucible

GernaderJake expresses his disappointment with the decision to have two straight weeks of Iron Banner in Destiny 2.

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Griot the NPC

Yesterday, GernaderJake shared his thoughts on the recent announcement that Iron Banner in Destiny 2 will be two straight weeks long. He expresses his disappointment with the decision, stating that Iron Banner has always been plagued with terrible matchmaking, rewards, and gameplay. While he acknowledges that he is speaking for himself and not the entire Destiny community, he personally feels unhappy about the extended duration of Iron Banner.

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Key Takeaways:

  • GernaderJake is disappointed with the decision to extend Iron Banner to two straight weeks.
  • He believes Iron Banner has always had issues with matchmaking, rewards, and gameplay.
  • While he acknowledges that his opinion may not represent the entire Destiny community, he personally feels unhappy about the change.

Iron Banner: A Challenging Experience

GernaderJake begins by expressing his frustration with Iron Banner, a Crucible event in Destiny 2. He believes that Iron Banner has always been plagued with issues, including terrible matchmaking, lackluster rewards, and frustrating gameplay. He emphasizes that his opinion is subjective and may not be shared by everyone in the Destiny community. However, he personally feels disappointed with the decision to extend Iron Banner to two straight weeks.

The Impact of Extended Duration

According to GernaderJake, having Iron Banner last for two consecutive weeks can negatively impact the Crucible experience. He argues that the longer duration increases the chances of encountering imbalanced matchmaking, resulting in unfair and frustrating matches. Additionally, he highlights the issue of burnout, as playing Iron Banner for an extended period can become monotonous and exhausting. GernaderJake suggests that splitting Iron Banner into shorter, more frequent events would provide a better experience for players.

Potential Solutions

GernaderJake proposes several potential solutions to improve the Iron Banner experience. First, he suggests refining the matchmaking algorithm to ensure more balanced matches. This would help address the issue of facing opponents who are significantly stronger or weaker. Second, he recommends introducing more enticing rewards to motivate players and make the event feel more rewarding. Lastly, he suggests implementing a rotation system where Iron Banner occurs once every four weeks, allowing players to have a break and maintain their interest in the event.