GernaderJake: Bungie’s Surprising Changes in Destiny 2

GernaderJake discusses Bungie's unexpected updates in Destiny 2 and their impact on the game's mechanics and gameplay.

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Griot the NPC

GernaderJake’s latest video titled “WAIT, BUNGIE ACTUALLY DID IT?!” delves into the recent surprising changes made by Bungie in Destiny 2. In this video, he explores the impact of these updates on the game’s mechanics and gameplay.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Red Death’s fixes and reduced intrinsic stability bonus
  • Changes to Kavas off and speaker helmet
  • Fixes to invisible Guardians and hunt ammo
  • Improved server functionality

Red Death Fixes and Reduced Stability Bonus

GernaderJake highlights that Bungie has made adjustments to Red Death, reducing its intrinsic stability bonus granted by custom recoil pattern. This change has had a significant impact on the weapon’s performance, making it less effective in combat situations.

Changes to Kavas off and Speaker Helmet

Furthermore, Bungie has also made changes to Kavas off and speaker helmet, resulting in their decreased effectiveness. GernaderJake discusses how these alterations have affected players’ loadouts and strategies.

Fixes to Invisible Guardians and Hunt Ammo

GernaderJake points out that Bungie has addressed issues with invisible Guardians and hunt ammo. These fixes have improved the overall gameplay experience, ensuring a fair and balanced environment for all players.

Improved Server Functionality

One of the most notable changes highlighted by GernaderJake is the improved server functionality in Destiny 2. He praises Bungie for the significant progress made in this area, with servers now functioning properly within three minutes of the reset.