GernaderJake: Unveiling a Hidden Mechanic in Destiny 2

Discover a secret mechanic in Destiny 2 that most players are unaware of, allowing them to maximize their gameplay.

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Destiny 2 players, get ready to level up your gameplay! GernaderJake has just released a new video titled “99% Of Destiny Players DON’T Know This Secret!” In this video, he unveils a hidden mechanic that is sure to change the way you play the game. Check out the video below to learn more:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Discover a secret mechanic that allows you to make the most out of your kills and Dodges
  • Learn how to proc Reaper even if you don’t use a slug shotgun
  • Maximize your gameplay efficiency by timing your kills and Dodges simultaneously

The Hidden Mechanic: Unleashing Reaper

GernaderJake reveals an interesting secret mechanic in Destiny 2 that most players are completely oblivious to. According to him, if you manage to get a kill and Dodge almost simultaneously, you can still activate the Reaper perk. This hidden mechanic is not limited to slug shotguns; any weapon kill followed by a Dodge within a short timeframe will trigger the Reaper perk.

Gameplay Strategies: Timing is Key

Timing is crucial when attempting to utilize this hidden mechanic effectively. GernaderJake suggests practicing your reflexes to ensure you can execute a kill and Dodge in quick succession. By doing so, you can make the most out of your gameplay by generating orbs and gaining other benefits granted by the Reaper perk.

Maximizing Efficiency: Tips and Tricks

To maximize your efficiency and take full advantage of this hidden mechanic, GernaderJake recommends experimenting with different weapons and their corresponding perks. Find the combination that works best for you and practice your timing to consistently activate the Reaper perk. Additionally, he suggests incorporating this technique into your overall gameplay strategy to enhance your performance in Destiny 2.