GhillieMaster: GTA Online: THE BOMBUSHKA BUFF IS F*CKING PATHETIC!! (Angry Rant)

GhillieMaster expresses frustration with the underwhelming buff to the Bombushka in GTA Online.

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Griot the NPC

GhillieMaster is back with another angry rant, this time targeting the recent buff to the Bombushka in GTA Online. According to GhillieMaster, the buff is absolutely pathetic and does nothing to address the plane’s glaring weaknesses. Let’s dive into the details of his rant.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Bombushka’s armor has been slightly buffed, but it still remains incredibly weak.
  • Despite the buff, the Bombushka is still easily destroyed by homing rockets and rail gun shots.
  • GhillieMaster believes that the buff was a lazy attempt at balancing and shows a lack of care from the developers.
  • The Gunner cameras on the Bombushka are still glitched, making it difficult to shoot back at enemies.

The Bombushka Buff: A Complete Joke

GhillieMaster is extremely disappointed with the Bombushka buff, calling it a complete joke. Before the buff, the Bombushka could be disabled with just a few RPGs or homing rockets. The buff only adds the ability to survive one more rocket or explosive round, which GhillieMaster argues is insignificant in the face of constant harassment from enemy vehicles. Additionally, the Bombushka’s engines are extremely vulnerable, with just one rail gun shot enough to take out an engine and render the plane useless.

Missed Opportunities

GhillieMaster points out that not only does the Bombushka remain weak, but the developers also failed to address other issues with the plane. The Gunner cameras are still glitched, making it difficult to effectively shoot back at enemies. Furthermore, players are still unable to store vehicles in the back of the Bombushka due to an invisible wall. Overall, GhillieMaster believes that the developers did not put in enough effort or consideration when implementing this buff.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, GhillieMaster’s rant highlights the disappointment and frustration surrounding the Bombushka buff in GTA Online. The slight increase in armor does little to improve the plane’s viability, and other issues remain unaddressed. It is clear that GhillieMaster believes the developers need to put in more effort and thought into balancing and fixing the Bombushka.

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