Glitch Unlimited: Helldivers 2 – CEO Reveals BIG NEWS, Terminid Leak, Warbond Changes!

Read about the CEO's big announcements, upcoming changes to Warbonds, and a leaked image of a new Terminid variant in Helldivers 2.

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Griot the NPC

Glitch Unlimited just released a video discussing the latest updates and announcements for Helldivers 2. The CEO, Shamor Jany, confirmed that there will be no more Insider Peaks for now as the developers are taking a summer break. He also mentioned that Arrowhead is rewriting the entire code for the social menu and focusing on a quality patch. Additionally, Jany addressed concerns about the Warbond system and hinted at potential price changes. The video also revealed a leaked image of a new Terminid variant and a workaround for a Steam issue. Read on to learn more!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Chief executive Shamor Jany confirmed a summer break for Arrowhead developers, leading to a temporary halt in major updates and Insider Peaks.
  • Arrowhead is focused on releasing a quality patch and is rewriting the social menu’s code from scratch.
  • Potential changes to the Warbond system may affect content prices, but the balance between content and price is still being evaluated.
  • Leaked images reveal a new Terminid variant with an acid sack, and the return of the Impaler enemy from the first Helldivers game.

CEO Confirms Summer Break and No Major Updates

According to Glitch Unlimited’s video, Arrowhead’s CEO, Shamor Jany, confirmed that the developers are taking a summer break, resulting in no major updates or Insider Peaks for the time being. Jany mentioned that the Swedish studio takes its vacations seriously, with employees enjoying six weeks of vacation per year.

While the break may cause concern about the release of the next quality patch, Jany reassured fans that the team is focused on delivering a patch that improves optimization and performance. He also mentioned tracking issues and attending a meeting to discuss quality and stability.

Potential Changes to Warbond System

Jany addressed concerns about the Warbond system, specifically the limitation of one primary and one secondary weapon. While some players saw it as a positive change, Jany mentioned that the team is continuously evolving the system and aiming to find the best balance between content and price.

This statement has raised speculation about potential price changes in the next Warbond, leading to mixed reactions from the community. Some players are worried that increased prices may sour the experience, while others believe that additional rewards and items could justify higher costs.

Leaked Image of New Terminid Variant and Return of Impaler

The video showcased leaked images of a new Terminid variant in Helldivers 2. The variant features an acid sack on its back, which is expected to cause an acid explosion upon death. The size of the explosion radius remains unknown but is anticipated to pose a new challenge for players.

In addition to the new Terminid variant, the video revealed that the Impaler enemy from the first Helldivers game will make a return. Although the model is not yet in the game, recent additions to the game files indicate the Impaler’s upcoming presence.

Potential Workaround for Steam Issue

The video also highlighted a potential workaround for a Steam issue. A Reddit user suggested changing privacy settings to make the friends list public, which may resolve the problem for some players. This quick and easy solution could help players experiencing difficulties on the Steam platform.

These were the key highlights from Glitch Unlimited’s video on Helldivers 2. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as Arrowhead developers work on delivering an enhanced gaming experience for players!