Going down Memory Lane: Unearthing the OG Meta in League of Legends

A nostalgic walk through the past exploring the unconventional strategies of League of Legends in its early days.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the renowned world of League of Legends, strategy goes hand-in-glove with victory. This reminiscent post unearths some ‘original gangster’ (OG) metas that were employed by the game’s enthusiasts back in the day. SilvosForever takes us down memory lane to a time when professional guides were unheard of, and players had their own tried and tested methods of drawing first blood.


  • Uncharacteristic champion roles with unique builds were vogue.
  • Early aggression was seen as high risk and hence commonly avoided.
  • Unconventional lane couplings often led to unsuspecting victories.
  • An experimental and fun approach was favored over professional strats.

Retro Strategies

Users SilvosForever, Imperfect_Plan, and Bobyus invoke some distinctive strategies of yesteryears. A robust Volibear as support, an unassailable Irelia dominating with a persistent lifesteal build, and a deadly combination of Yi and Garen lying in ambush, each demonstrate the essence of the old meta. While these tactics may not hold water in today’s game landscape, they certainly possessed a charm then, molding the features of the game we see today.

Early Aggression

User XWasTheProblem reminisces about how early aggression was completely out of the norm, often leaving the opponents vulnerable. The idea of rushing to level 2 for an all-out onslaught was seen as somewhat brash but surprisingly effective. Equipped with a handy Ignite to nullify health potions, this strategy often led to a compelling early-game lead.

Unconventional Team-Ups

FitTheory1803, Imperfect_Plan, and BUKKAKELORD recollect how unexpected duo lanes led to unpredicted victories. A relentless combo of Chogath & Malphite, Veigar & Nasus triggering a ‘Thunderdome’, or even a full-blown 5-player top push, were strategies creative, unexpected, and surprisingly successful.

As we’ve seen from these enthusiastic gamers, the early days of League of Legends were filled with adventure and a sense of bravado that felt quite rewarding. Strategies handsome in simplicity and creativity, so reminiscent of a bygone era, still echo fondly among the veterans of the game. It’s quite fantastic how the game that captures millions globally has endured through its distinctive evolution, always keeping players on their toes, ready for some old school, arcane, or even downright hilarious tactics.