Granblue Fantasy: The Arena Scale Revelations on a 32:9 Monitor

Discover how the arena scale in Granblue Fantasy changes on a 32:9 monitor. Dive into the sound design and aspect ratio debates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy players are sharing their awe at the arena scale on a 32:9 monitor, with discussions on sound design and aspect ratios lighting up the community.


  • Players are amazed by the immersive experience on a 32:9 monitor.
  • Sound design receives praise, likened to a chef’s kiss.
  • Debate arises between ultrawide and standard 16:9 resolutions.

Aspect Ratios and Display Choices

Players are torn between ultrawide and standard 16:9 displays, debating the impact on their gaming experience. Some appreciate the black bars for a nostalgic feel, while others crave the full screen real estate of a 32:9 monitor.

Sound Design Delights

The attention to detail in sound design has not gone unnoticed, with players reveling in the sword sound that is considered ‘chef’s kiss’, enhancing the immersive experience.

Fixes and Challenges

While mods provide solutions for optimal display settings, some players encounter issues like screen blackouts, prompting debates on whether the trade-offs are worth it for the enhanced visuals.