Granblue Fantasy Update: Ver. 1.3.2 Changes and Community Reactions

Exploring the new update in Granblue Fantasy Ver. 1.3.2 and how the community is responding.

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy recently released the Ver. 1.3.2 update, bringing significant changes to the game. Players are voicing their opinions on the latest patch, especially regarding bug fixes, quest adjustments, and overall gameplay improvements.


  • Players appreciate the bug fixes and gameplay adjustments in the update, with many considering it a step in the right direction.
  • The changes to quest timers and boss difficulty have been well-received, addressing concerns raised by the community.
  • The update’s focus on improving accessibility for casual players has garnered positive feedback.

Player Reactions

One player commented, “Pretty good bugfix update imo, a lot of features are exactly what people asked for. Also since the game is on its first ever 30% off on steam, hopefully that gets more people on board.”

Another player expressed relief over the quest timers, stating, “Thank God those previous timers for the quest were laughably bad it made me wonder if they even played the game…”

Community Engagement

One user shared their excitement for the update, mentioning, “Good, now I can complete berserker echo+ quest solo.”

Another player highlighted the update’s appeal to casual gamers, stating, “Not so much a bug fix but more of a make it more accessible to the more casual audience at end game. Which is great as I am one of them.”