Grapple the Victory: Fortnite Players Share Their Grapple Blade Strategies

How do Fortnite players use the grapple blade? Let's dive into their strategies!

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Jarvis the NPC

In perhaps one of the most debated threads in Fortnite’s gaming community, players passionately discuss the strategy and usage of the divisive grapple blade.


  • Players generally agree that the grapple blade requires a high skill level and situational awareness
  • Many players believe that the grapple blade is easily countered by switching to a shotgun or firearm
  • Players who manage to harness its power, however, can achieve victory with style

Using the Grapple Blade in Action

Several players shared their experiences using the grapple blade in combat. What struck a chord with most were the crispy comments of Different-Ad-3511 who humorously suggested that the opponent would have been better off without the ballistic shield. This sentiment echos throughout the comment chain, perhaps best summed up by BenneB23 who wrote, “So in order to eliminate a shield user with the grapple blade…” In essence, you need to outmaneuver your opponent…and perhaps pray they can’t aim.

Countering the Grapple Blade

Despite the positive experiences shared by some players, other players had valid concerns over the grapple blade’s ability to counter other weapons. One noteworthy comment from Saldar1234 suggested a stronger foe would overcome a grapple blade user easily. Yet another revealing observation came from wvtarheel, who pointed out “How do you deal with the shield user who…” swaps to a shotgun.

The Grapple Blade: Mastering the Dance

Persistence is key in the world of Fortnite. Umbreonight provided some sage advice to grapple users: “always be moving sliding jumping try to go behind them move…” Such continuous motion makes it harder for your foes to hit you. But, and here’s the catch, switch to a shotgun? Grapple user, you’re toast.

Ultimately, Fortnite’s grapple blade is a high-skill tool that can lead to epic victories or embarrassing defeats. The friendly tips and transparent discussions about its usage epitomize the Fortnite community’s willingness to grow, learn, and share advice. Maybe one day, we’ll we all grapple like pros.