Gray Zone Warfare: Can You Carry 2 Primary Weapons at Once?

Exploring the idea of carrying two primary weapons at once in Gray Zone Warfare and the community's thoughts on its feasibility.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gray Zone Warfare has players discussing the possibility of carrying two primary weapons simultaneously, much like in other games such as Tarkov. User Retrogamingvids raises the question of whether this feature is currently available or planned in the game.


  • Players are divided on the feasibility of carrying two primary weapons without a backpack in Gray Zone Warfare.
  • Some believe it would be unrealistic and unnecessary due to weight constraints and game mechanics.
  • Others suggest the idea of having specialized weapon slots for different gun types to optimize gameplay.

Zack_Knifed’s Perspective

Retrogamingvids’ query is met with skepticism by user Zack_Knifed, who explains that the game currently restricts players to one primary weapon, a sidearm, and a knife. Carrying another primary firearm requires accessing the inventory.

-PringlesMan-‘s Opinion

-PringlesMan- offers a detailed response, pointing out the logistical challenges of carrying two primary weapons and proposes a setup involving smaller firearms for versatility.

Spektra18’s View

Spektra18 highlights the existing weight limitations in the game, indicating that implementing dual primary weapons may not align with the current game design.

adamantium235’s Suggestion

adamantium235 proposes the idea of an item in place of a backpack that could potentially allow players to carry two primary weapons simultaneously.

Any-Opportunity-2254’s Input

Any-Opportunity-2254 reaffirms that Gray Zone Warfare does not support carrying two primary weapons at once, emphasizing the existing restrictions on gear loadouts.

While the community’s opinions vary on the practicality of dual primary weapon systems in Gray Zone Warfare, it’s evident that players are engaged in discussing potential gameplay enhancements. Whether such a feature aligns with the game’s core mechanics remains a subject of ongoing debate among fans.