Gray Zone Warfare: Is Glass Really Your Friend?

Join the discussion on the state of reinforced glass in Gray Zone Warfare and see why players are divided on its impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gray Zone Warfare is all about knowing your environment, especially when it comes to glass barriers. Are they your shield or your enemy?


  • Players divided on effectiveness of reinforced glass.
  • Some feel glass fixes create new vulnerabilities.
  • Others appreciate safe zones glass provides.
  • Impacts on Strategy

    A MSH veteran advises caution, suggesting glass engagements put players at risk. Waiting for opponents to come close may be safer than peering through glass.

    Map Design Concerns

    Players express worry over fixed windows, identifying multiple angles of vulnerability and visibility issues.

    Player Experience

    Complaints about obscured vision through glass and frustration at incomplete bug fixes highlight player dissatisfaction.

    Community Feedback

    Community members urge reporting issues to expedite map improvements, fostering a sense of player involvement in development processes.

    Despite differing opinions on glass mechanics, player engagement remains high as they navigate the ever-changing warfare landscape of Gray Zone.