Gray Zone Warfare: NVIDIA Driver Woes and Gaming Slowdowns

Discover why the latest NVIDIA driver has Gray Zone Warfare gamers in a panic and what you should do to avoid slowdowns.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gray Zone Warfare players are facing unexpected gaming slowdowns due to the new NVIDIA driver update. It’s a mix of anticipation and frustration as players navigate through performance issues caused by the driver update.


  • Players experiencing slower game starts due to NVIDIA driver recompiling shaders
  • Some users report worse performance after updating to the latest drivers
  • Expect CPU usage to spike during compilation, lasting between 1 to 15 minutes

Anticipation vs. Frustration

Players like ‘bobz99by’ are finding the gaming performance worse with the latest drivers, suspecting the compilation during gameplay. This has led to a mix of anxiety and impatience as they wait for the compiling process to finish and the performance to stabilize

Hasty Start

‘POLSASWE’ with a 3060 GPU contrasts the slow start, claiming it only takes 20-30 seconds for their game to begin. Their quick start highlights the varied experiences players are having post-update

Performance Rollercoaster

‘Sn4p9o2’ sheds light on the pattern after installing a new driver – initial stutters followed by stability after exploring zones. This rollercoaster of performance leads to a journey of uncertainties and eventual relief

Players in the Gray Zone Warfare community are treading cautiously through the challenges posed by the new NVIDIA driver update. The rollercoaster of emotions from excitement to disappointment reflects the dynamic nature of gaming experiences. As users navigate through the peaks and valleys of performance, a collective sigh of relief is heard when the gameplay returns to its smooth rhythm. It’s a reminder that every update brings its own set of challenges, adding to the thrill of the game