Gray Zone Warfare: QoL Suggestion – Sell Magazines Empty

Join the conversation on Gray Zone Warfare subreddit about selling magazines empty and changing ammo options.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gray Zone Warfare brings a heated debate on whether empty magazines should be sold in the game to save time and money. Users are divided on the issue, with some advocating for customization options, while others dismiss it as unnecessary.


  • Players debate the feasibility of selling empty magazines.
  • Some propose buying empty magazines for customization.
  • Others find the idea tedious and unnecessary.

Perspectives on Selling Empty Magazines

User PinkRGR shows support by noting, “They are tracking this.” Conversely, user Small-Translator-504 expresses frustration with FMJs, saying, “I’m so SICK of FMJs.” adam…andit88 resonates, stating, “I’m sick of unloading and selling bullshit FMJ to make way for glorious M855A1 (or equivalent AK food).” MadeinCNY simply pleads, “PLEASE.” azrckcrwler adds, “Yes, that would be such an amazing quality of life improvement.” 3dGameMan shares the sentiments, “Because having to buy magazines with FMJ ammo, only to unload the magazine, buy A1 ammo and then reload that ammo into the magazine…” On the other hand, PrudentInstruction82 adopts a critical stance, remarking, “You people say the dumbest shit.”

The Great Ammo Debate

Player adamantium235 offers a compromise, suggesting, “Should come empty but if you buy in the same transaction as ammo would be nice if it auto loaded.” Meanwhile, bmemike acknowledges the suggestion’s popularity, stating, “Very common and highly upvoted suggestion.”

As players continue to weigh in on the topic, it’s evident that the community is split between those who welcome the potential change for customization and convenience and those who believe the current system is adequate. The passion in their discussions highlights the dedication players have towards a game they are deeply invested in, as they strive to contribute their ideas for its improvement.